Seminar 6 // Thursday 8, Friday 9, Saturday 10 November 2007 // London

location tba
1. Introduction to the new year by Jean-Paul & Irit and introduction of new students Anshuman Das Gupta & Doreen Mende; Jean-Paul presents Research as Send-Offs; an internal discussion of our objectives; college-wide lecture by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak.
2. Presentations by guest speaker Stefano Harney and C/K participant Valeria Graziano.
3. Breakfast at Irit's home; student-led reading group on the curatorial. Click for texts Further information about the sessions can be found below:
THURSDAY 8 NOVEMBER: location tba
11-1pm: Irit: Welcome to new academic year and to new students. Jean-Paul: Research as Send-Offs.
2-5pm: Internal discussion of our objectives for the year and remainder of the program including the tentative final projects of: -An interactive video archive (Irit) -A critical reader (JP) -A 'bank' of new curatorial formats (Irit).
5-7pm: Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, visiting speaker for the MA in Postcolonial Studies at Goldsmiths Centre for Cultural Studies Great Hall, Richard Hoggart Building
FRIDAY 9 NOVEMBER: location tba
11-1pm: Stefano Harney, Professor at Queen Mary, University of London Business World: The General Intellect at Work A discussion of management, strategy, and governance as social phenomenon today. Stefano Harney is Reader in Strategy in the School of Business and Management of Queen Mary, University of London. Recent publications include Modes of Excess with Randy Martin in the journal Theory & Event, and Governance, State and Living Labour in the journal Cultural Logic.
2-5pm: Valeria Graziano Glitters and Bubbles: how to (re)organize in the age of experiential economy?
11-4pm: Breakfast & Student-led Reading Group on the curatorial Click for texts