Readings, Seminar 6
THURSDAY 8 November Supplementary texts to Jean-Paul's presentation on Research as Sendoffs.
1. Jacques Derrida, “Sendoffs,” in Eyes of the University, translated by Thomas Pepper (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2004), pp. 220-4.
2. Patrick Chamoiseau, Écrire en pays dominé [Writing in a Dominated Land] (Paris: Gallimard, 1997), pp. 301-10, extract translated by J-PM for the C/K Seminar 8 November 2007.
FRIDAY 9 November
1. Stefano Harney, "Management and Self-Activity: Accounting for the Crisis in Profit-taking." Critical Perspectives on Accounting (2006).
2. Stefano Harney, "Socialization and the Business School." Management Learning (2007).
3. Stefano Harney, "Why Is Management A Cliche?" Critical Perspectices on Accounting (2005).
4. Valeria Graziano, "Introduction to Glitters and Bubbles: how to (re)organize in the age of experiential economy?"
SATURDAY 10 November Suggested by Inês Moreira:
1. Walid Sadek, "A Room with a Conversation in the Middle," in Notes for an Art School (Nicosia: manifesta 6, 2006). -A text about art education, but I think we may listen to this spatial modality and rethink the exhibition practices. Suggested by Sarah Pierce:
2. David Barsamian, "The Meaning of Seattle: An Interview with Noam Chomsky." Z mag (July 2000).
3. Lillian R. Putnam, "Language, Language Development and Reading: An Interview with Noam Chomsky." Reading Instruction Journal (Fall 1987).
4. Georges Bataille, "Un-knowing and Its Consequences," in October, Vol. 36, Georges Bataille: Writings on Laughter, Sacrifice, Nietzsche, Un-Knowing, translated by Annette Michelson (Spring, 1986), pp. 80-85. - Synopsis: My offer for readings bring us back to Bataille, and un-knowing, as a way to approach the curatorial in the context of a PhD - how do we speak about that which we cannot experience? How do we pose a question about a subject (curating) and its activity (the curatorial) without "tending towards closure" ? The Chomsky texts are interesting to me, partly just in the voice. For our purpose in thinking about the curatorial, it might help us to analyse attempts to lay out a politics, and to think about how the political has an exchange in art that is separate from the content of artworks or exhibitions. Is this exchange traceable to a particular 'event' - as when we listen to Chomsky's description of Seattle? The interview on linguistics has a possible correlation (I'm not sure about this) in the curatorial, in that it implicates the curatorial's iteration of the exhibition as a primary 'organising system'. Suggested by Doreen Mende: Zorns Lemma by Hollis Frampton, 1970, 59min. -A fascinating balance between fragmented (cultural) knowledge, linguistic formalization, and autonomy (art piece). The factor of participation plays a roll, when you understand the black screen in the first Part as an invitation to give up your expectations towards film and get your brain activated. It takes up a lot of concentration to bring together the different voices of the visual as well as of the linguistic, thus to follow a multi-layered linearity. It reminds me a bit of brain exercises. It's a very structural / conceptual approach for now towards the understanding of the curatorial.