Seminar 5 // Thursday 21, Friday 22, Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 June 2007, Gdasnk, Poland

Readings can be found by clicking the link below:
For more about Wyspa, check out:
A preliminary schedule for the sessions can be found below:
Thursday 21 June
11am-1pm: Viewing of exhibition "You won't feel a thing," visit of Shipyard and Studios
You won't feel a thing: On Panic, Obsession, Rituality and Anesthesia is an exhibition curated by Aneta Szylak at the Wyspa Institute of Art, 2 June- 15 August 2007, with: Pawel Althamer, Bogna Burska, Ursula Doebereiner, Lili Dujourie, Angelika Fojtuch, Steffen Geisler, Lise Harlev, Ellen Harvey, Hiwa K., Agnieszka Kalinowska, Grzegorz Klaman, Piotr Kopik, Jill Mercedes, Sebastian Meschenmoser, Dominika Skutnik, Pawel Kruk, Dominik Lejman, Yvette Mattern, Ivan Moudov, Anne Olofsson, Dominik Pabis, Susanne Weirich, Monika Weiss, Artur Zmijewski. The exhibition is produced by Kunsthaus Dresden, Wyspa Institute of Art and Adam Mickiewicz Institute and is co-financed by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Poland within the framework of the Polish-German Year 2005/2006.
2pm-3.30pm: Aneta Szylak: Intro to Wyspa activities and the concept of institution as fiction
3.30pm-5pm: Dr. Jan Sowa, sociologist, writer, and cultural producer, Jagiellonian University, Krakow
Friday 22 June
11am-1pm: Curatorial - Revisited - JP
During our last session, a number of you asked if we could revisit the notion of the curatorial. With this aim in mind, I will try to revisit this notion for our session in Gdansk. We will ask if we all agree that the curatorial represents the event of knowledge taking place on the stage set up, both intentionally and un-intentionally by the curator and that this knowledge, far from constituting a body of knowledge is paradoxically that which disturbs the stage itself. For this session, I have chosen a short text by Hubert Damisch: Moves – Playing Chess and Cards with the Museum). If any of you have a text that informs this topic, please ask Deepa to uploaded onto the web site.
2pm-5pm: Aneta Szylak: Swidzinski & Contextual Art
Jan Swidzinski is an artist and theorist.
9pm: De Bali & Modelator Wireless Lan World Chat Modelator exists as a place to talk about artistic milieu in 3city. Blog is created by students of history of art at the University of Gdansk, who are connected with Wyspa Institute of Art and Modelarnia. There is a lack of public discussion about artistic milieu in 3city. Our ambition is to change that situation, and to promote young artists who still study. We invite everybody to critical discussion about events commented by us. We observe art not only in Gdansk, but also in Sopot and Gdynia, and unfortunately we are not satisfied. Where is art in Sopot and Gdynia? Modelator’s staff: Roma Piotrowska, Ola Grzonkowska, Maks Bochenek. Our homepage:
Saturday 23 June
11am-5pm: Irit - Public We need to interrupt the sequence of 'action' to 'activism' for one session and examine the notion of 'public' as it informs the shift from the first to the second. Following the discussion we had at the last seminar, we should open this up to input by everyone. I will put online two texts on the notion of 'public' and I ask that you put forward any materials you wish that inform your understanding of this concept. If you have these materials in digitised form, then send them to Deepa and she will upload them on the temporary website. Otherwise, please consult with her.
Sunday 24 June