Readings, Seminar 5

Readings for Irit Rogoff's session:
1. Jurgen Habermas, The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: An Inquiry Into A Category of Bourgeois Society. Translated by Thomas Burger, with the assistance of Frederick Lawrence. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1989
2. Mark Wigly, Untitled: The Housing of Gender in Sexuality and Space, ed Beatriz Colemina. New York, Princeton Papers on Architecture, 1992.
3. "Discussing the Public Domain" in Sarai Reader 01 (The Public Domain), CSDS, 2001
4. Quotes from "Discussing the Public Domain" in Sarai Reader 01 (The Public Domain), CSDS, 2001
5. Lawrence Liang, Porous Legalities and Avenues for Participation in Sarai Reader 05 (Bare Acts), CSDS, 2005
Reading for Jean-Paul's session:
1. Hubert Damisch, Moves – Playing Chess and Cards with the Museum, Translated by Isabelle Dervaux and Jeffrey Schnapp © Hubert Damisch & Boijman Van Beunigen Museum, Rotterdam, 1997
2. Three images (Damisch's Moves 1, Damisch's Moves 2 and Damisch's Moves 3)
Suggested Reading by Hyunjin Kim
1. Michael Warner, Publics and Counterpublics, Zone Books, New York, 2002