Seminar 13 // 4, 5, 6 December 2008 // Copenhagen
Seminar 13 // 4, 5, 6 December 2008 // Copenhagen
1. Introduction to Copenhagen Doctoral School by Rune Gade; introduction to Curatorial / Knowledge by Jean-Paul Martinon & Irit Rogoff; presentation of U-Turn Quadriennale
2. Introduction to Overgaden Institute of Contemporary Art; presentation by Jakob Jakobssen; Student presentation: Sarah Pierce
3. Jean-Paul Martinon The Horizon of the Curatorial; presentation by Søren Andreasen Click for logistical details
Further information about the program can be found below:
THURSDAY 4 DECEMBER Copenhagen University Karen Blixensvej 1 Metro: Islands Brygge
12-2pm Lunch hosted by Copenhagen Doctoral School University Caffeteria, building 22, ground level; there will be sandwiches on the mezzanine. There is free guest wireless access in this (and only this) area.
2-2:30pm Room 21.0.49 Opening remarks and presentation of Copenhagen Doctoral School by Frederik Tygstrup and Rune Gade 2:30-4pm Introductory to Curatorial/Knowledge by Jean-Paul Martinon and Irit Rogoff followed by the discussion 4-4:15pm Coffee break
4:15-5:45pm Presentation of U-Turn Quadriennale by its artistic directors Solvej Helweg Ovesen, Charlotte Bagger Brandt and Judith Schwarzbart
5:45-6:30pm Discussion
7:30-10pm Dinner hosted by Copenhagen Doctoral School Karriere Flæsketorvet 57 1711 København V Tel.: +45 3321 5509
FRIDAY 5 DECEMBER Overgaden Institute of Contemporary Art Overgaden Neden Vandet 17 DK-1414 Copenhagen K Metro: Christianshavn
11-12pm Presentation of Overgaden by its artistic director Cecilie Høgsbro Østergaard followed by discussion
12-2pm Presentation by Jakob Jakobssen, formerly of the Free University followed by discussion
2-2:30pm Lunch break
2:30-4:45pm Sarah Pierce Discussion of current research
4:45-5pm Coffee break
5-7pm Presentation by Copenhagen Doctoral School students Jesper Rasmussen will give a short talk on, "Museum and Contemporary Art," a summary of the PhD workshop at Copenhagen University Peter van der Meijden will discuss the historical part of the U-Turn exhibition that he was involved in organising Lars Bang Larssen The Museum as the Domain of the Self The art museum has today been put into the defensive, and its paradigm can be said to be to give the audience the possibility to reproduce itself. That is, the museum is no longer an institution for macro-pedagogy or soft repression: It doesn’t perform segregations between zones and levels in culture the bourgeois way, nor does it dole out lessons in citizenship. If symbolic control was not only the power dispositif of the museum that upheld tradition, but also constituted the condition of possibility for audience response and subject inscription, this symbolic arena also made for an aporic possibility for the give-and-take between the institution and its audiences. In my presentation I will try to discuss this change and open up to a discussion of what consequences it has for audience reponse and subject inscription.
5:30-6:15pm Discussion
SUNDAY 6 DECEMBER Kunstakademiet Det italienske auditorium
11-1pm Jean-Paul Martinon The Horizons of the Curatorial In the previous session and in my stubborn attempt to define the curatorial, I focused on ways of interpreting the stage of an exhibition. This was interpreted not through examples in art history, but through Husserl’s understanding of the horizon of phenomenology (Ideas I-3). The stage of an exhibition became the indefinite, but finite phenomenological set of horizons constituted by the curator, artist, or viewer as the exhibition. I want to continue this excursion into this theme by focusing now on the notion of horizon. What is (are) the horizon(s) of an exhibition? We often talk of the impossibility of limiting the field of the curatorial because it always actively engages more than one discipline. The question of horizon is therefore crucial. In order to help make sense of this topic, I have chosen a very short, but alas difficult, extract of a text by Heidegger.
1-1:45pm Discussion
1:45-3pm Lunch Location tba
3-5pm Søren Andreasen, artist, writer and curator Expedient structures – on mediation and contemporary Art A speculative presentation regarding the functioning of contemporary art, exemplified by the exhibition The Soft Shields of Pleasure which I curated in the spring of 2008. In an attempt to understand the present functioning of Art historically and materially, the conversation art of the rococco period and the narcotic art of Post-WWII Europe form the basis of a speculative scenario, suggesting that 'a logistics of the social' and 'a proliferation of the Self' are the characteristics of comtemporary Art and the pratices of mediation.