Seminar 38 // 28 February, 1, 2 March 2013 // London

Thursday, 28 February 2013, 11 am – 4.30 pm
Location: Prokofiev Room, Library(Rutherford Building)
(for those without Goldsmiths Student Cards: we will be there at 10.45 to help you get into the building)
11 am – 2 pm:
Presentation by C/K participant Maria Bella
"My thesis proposes to look at recent transformations in art practices in which the so-called publics became gradually more involved in the production processes of the artwork. I will focus specially in the study case of CsA* practice in order to explain what I call the technology of experience. It tries to analyze how CsA practice is generating a new socio-technological system (concept and approach) by developing a new filmic methodology activating social experience as the main material of work which resituates the position of the public/ citizen from its role of consumer to a role of producer. The presentation will consist of two parts. One in which I situate my curatorial practice in relation to the context of the local cultural field of Madrid and which also explains why I choose CsA as the study case of my research.
Then I will focus on the first chapter of my thesis. This chapter situates my specific interest within collective practices and explores the transformations that take place when claiming for an authorless practice changing the traditional role positions in the case of the artist and the public, specially in its relation to their disciplinary knowledge. It introduces CsA as the study case of the thesis narrating its origins and conceptual departure."
*CsA Cine sin autor/Authorless Cinema
– Michel Foucault, What Is an Author?
2 – 3 pm: Lunch break
3 – 4.30 pm:
Group discussion about our upcoming trip to Umeå and Stockholm for the seminar in April Besides a number of organisational matters and the overall program of the trip, we especially need to discuss plans for a public panel at Tensta Konsthall, Stockholm, on Sunday, the 28th of April: Who will participate in that panel? How are we going to address issues around the curatorial as a category of knowledge?
Thursday, 28 February, 5 – 7 pm
Location: IGLT, Whitehead Building
Visual Cultures Public Programme: Artist’s talk by Aura Satz followed by a conversation with Kodwo Eshun
Aura Satz is an artist whose work encompasses film, sound, performance and sculpture. In recent years she has made a collection of films which look closely at sound visualisation through various technologies and acoustic devices such as a Chladni plate, a Ruben’s tube, a theremin, mechanical music, phonograph grooves and drawn/optical sound. Her works pay close attention to the materiality of such technologies, the resulting sound patterns – codes in the act of formation – and how these destabilise paradigms of writing and readership. She has performed, exhibited and screened her work nationally and internationally. In 2012 she was shortlisted for the Samsung Art+ award, and the Jarman award. Forthcoming exhibitions include a solo show at the Hayward project Space (London), at Paradise Row gallery (London), and ‘Curiosity: Art and the Pleasures of Knowing’, as part of Hayward Touring exhibition in association with Cabinet Magazine, curated by Brian Dillon, Turner Contemporary (Margate), Norwich Castle Museum and Art Gallery, Royal Hibernian Academy (Dublin), de Appel arts centre (Amsterdam). Her projects can be seen online
Friday, 1 March, 11 am – 6 pm
Location: Prokofiev Room, Library (Rutherford Building)
(for those without Goldsmiths Student Cards: we will be there at 10.45 to help you get into the building)
11 am – 2 pm:
Presentation by C/K participant Carolina Rito
"My first chapter coheres around the notion of non-event at the site of ordinary affects. The term ‘non-event’ extends beyond the binary opposition between event and non-event, as it is intended to address not the absence of an eventual moment, but rather a set of low level instances that remain uncaptured by the symbolic order. Although the event and the non-event are not defined in opposition, and could even overlap, the prefix ‘non’ juxtaposed against the term ‘event’ provides an approach to the site where these instances were not made to speak up loudly, nor lay claim to their emancipatory potential. Nevertheless they keep taking place at the level of the ordinary, producing the quotidian repetition, as well as, a friction between ‘proper language’ (Certeau, 1980) and its contingent appropriation. My question becomes: what would it mean for practice (low level gestures) to become the place where the political (sayable, doable, thinkable) could be unsettled from its properness? This displacement, however, wouldn’t claim the abolition of a possible truth, but rather consider the crucial role of everyday procedures in the perpetuation of the proper, as well as, the place where this practice tricks the symbolic order.
In parallel to this theoretical path my presentation will be punctuated by other material, including ‘Torre Bela’, by Thomas Harlan and ‘Close-up’, by Abbas Kiarostami."
– Michel de Certeau, The Chorus of Idle Footsteps
– Kathleen Stewart, Ordinary Affects (extracts)
2 – 3 pm: Lunch break
3 – 6 pm:
Continuation of our exploration of questions around ‘justice’ Kodwo Eshun, whom we hope to have as a guest, has not yet confirmed that he will be able to actually come. So there are two alternative plans:
1. Kodwo Eshun will discuss with us issues linked to the collective trauma of slavery as a founding moment of modernity, and address moments of abolitionism as well as practices of countermemory and counterfuturity that contest the colonial archive.
– Kodwo Eshun, ‘Further Considerations on Afrofuturism’
2. Alternatively, Irit Rogoff and Stefan Nowotny will open a discussion on ‘citizenship’ in migratory and postmigratory contemporary societies, with reference to authors like Etienne Balibar, but also to film material such as from the recent French documentary ‘Les arrivants’ (2010). One of the starting points of this discussion will be the observation that ‘citizenship’ serves, on the one hand, as a crucial mechanism of inclusion in – or exclusion from – the access to fundamental rights, while at the same it also constitutes an important horizon for the claims for justice articulated by various of today’s political and social movements (refugees, sans-papiers, etc.).
– Etienne Balibar, ‘Droit de cité or Apartheid?’
Saturday, 2 March, 12 am – 5 pm
Location: INIVA, 1 Rivington Place, Shoreditch (see
Group discussion about C/K’s ‘Interview Archive’ project As discussed during the last seminar in January, one important part of our future activities in Curatorial/Knowledge consists in the building up of an archive of filmed interviews about ‘exhibition lives’ or exhibitions that really had an impact on the lives of the interlocutors. So we will discuss this project at length on Saturday, especially with a view to setting up a questionnaire to be used for the interviews, but also with a view to further generating ideas about possible interlocutors, exhibitions and the framing of this project.
Depending on the development and progress of that session, we may wrap up the seminar with viewing and discussing the film ‘Invoking Justice’ (2011) by Deepa Dhanraj on a women’s Jamaat established in Southern India in 2004 (for more detailed information see