Seminar 15 // 26, 27, 28 March 2009 // London

Seminar 15 // 26, 27, 28 March 2009 // London
London location tba
1. Discussion of lexicon project and upgrade procedure; Student presentation by Aneta Szylak; Visual Cultures Department lecture by Rebecca Gordon Nesbitt
2. Joint session with Research Architecture; Guest Speaker: Ernesto Laclau, Chair of Political Theory, University of Essex; Reception
3. Breakfast at Jean-Paul's home; Student reading group: Joshua Simon, Monika Szewczyk, Grant Watson
Click 'Read More' for further information about the session:
THURSDAY 26 MARCH: location tba
11am-1pm Discussion concerning lexicon project and the upgrade from M.Phil to Ph.D. Please bring a few sentences to flesh them out your contributed terms. Short text written for Research/Architecture last year which can serve as a basis for our discussions on the MPhil/PhD upgrade.
5-7pm MA Guest Lecture Series: Rebecca Gordon Nesbitt The Case for Creative Dissent: The Role of Contemporary Visual Art in Challenging the Status Quo
The past four decades have witnessed a gradual evacuation of emancipatory politics from the mainstream art world in parallel with the collapse of the modernist project and the rise of neoliberalism. During this period, however, a small number of visual artists have initiated and sustained challenges to the current world order, and it is their ideas and working methods that provide the impetus for this talk which will elaborate on the potential of art to raise questions about the world and our place in it. It should be of interest to anyone who believes in the power of art beyond its status as a commodity.
REBECCA GORDON NESBITT Having worked as a curator at salon3 and the Nordic Institute for Contemporary Art (NIFCA), Rebecca Gordon Nesbitt turned her attention to research at the University of Strathclyde where this study of creative dissent was conducted. Following several investigations into the consequences of neoliberalism for cultural policy in the UK, her doctorate explores the alternative model for cultural planning found in post-revolutionary Cuba.
FRIDAY 27 MARCH: location tba Joint session with Research Architecture and Ernesto Laclau
11am-1:30pm Presentation on Laclau's contemporary reworking with Chantal Mouffe, of the concept of 'hegemony'.
1:30-2:30pm Lunch
2:30-4:30pm A look at a few concepts from Laclau's recent writing on 'Populism' and from his most recent book Emancipations. As one of Laclau's most significant contributions has been the ability to think semiotics in relation to discourses of power not vis their communicative legitimation, we thought this might be a focal point of the afternoon.
6-9pm Reception at the Amersham Arms pub
SATURDAY 28 MARCH: location tba
Student Reading Group: Joshua Simon, Monika Szewczyk, Grant Watson