Seminar 52 // 11, 12, 13 June 2015 // London

Curatorial/Knowledge – Joint Seminar with the PhD Programme in History and Theory of Architecture, ETH Zurich
11–13 June 2015
Thursday 11th June, 11am – 5pm
Room 307, RHB, Goldsmiths, University of London
Lewisham Way SE14 6NW
The programme for this day will look at a variety of practice-based research models from different disciplines.
11.00: Welcome
11.30–12.00: Introduction to Visual Cultures, Professor Gavin Butt, Head of Department
12.00–1.30: Dr Michael Guggenheim, Dept of Sociology, Goldsmiths, and discussion
1.30–2.30: Lunch Break, Café Natura/Student Union
2.30: Dr Ayesha Hameed, Dept of Visual Cultures, Goldsmiths: "Black Atlantis"
General Discussion
6.00, Ian Gulland Lecture Theatre, Goldsmiths:
DARKMATTER – “It Gets Bitter”
hosted by Goldsmiths’ Centre for Feminist Research and Departments of Media and Communications, Centre for Cultural Studies and Sociology.
The NY-based trans South Asian artist collaborative Darkmatter ( will be doing a performative reading on Thursday June 11th at 6pm. Although not directly linked to issues of methodology this is a rare occasion to enjoy their work in Europe.
Friday 12th June, 11am – 5pm
Room 356, RHB, Goldsmiths, University of London
This will be day of presentations from within the two groups.
11.15: Doreen Mende (PhD in Curatorial/Knowledge, Director CCC program HEAD Geneva):
“Curating the Itinerant Image” + discussion
12.30: Theodor Ringborg (Curator and PhD candidate in Curatorial/Knowledge):
‘Enacting Secrecy - The Curatorial Between Secrecy and Exposure’
Reading: J. Derrida, “How to Avoid Speaking” (excerpt)
1.30–2.30: Lunch Break, Café Natura/Student Union
2.30: Nicholas Stefan Drofiak (PhD Candidate ETH Zurich):
“Iğusan: Representing an Obscure Happening in Siberia”
3.45: Maric Marija (PhD Candidate ETH Zurich):
“Architecture of ‘What If’: Synthurbanism and The Yugoslav Project of Self-Management”
7.30: Dinner for everyone at Irit’s
Saturday 13th June, 12–4pm
Location: The Royal Observatory, Greenwich
(address: Blackheath Ave, Greenwich; to get there, take London Overground to New Cross Gate and then bus 53 directly to the Observatory)
This is the location of the Prime Meridian which is the basis for the delineation of longitude lines. It has been a centre of both research in astronomy and in geography and is the designation from which Greenwich Meantime was established – a prime vector in the ordering of the world.
We will visit the Observatory and then move to “The Mitre” pub in the vicinity of the Observatory and have a discussion of the questions of the unit of measurement for the planet with John Palmesino, Architect, AA and Goldsmiths Centre for Research Architecture, founder of Territorial Agency (with Ann Sofi Ronskog) and initiator of The Anthropocene Observatory (HKW Berlin and currently on display at BAK Utrecht).
12.00: meet at the Royal Observatory ticket entrance – we will buy a group ticket for everyone there.
“The Mitre” has reserved a secluded space for us and they serve food and drinks throughout. The address is 291 Greenwich High Street, London SE10.