Readings, Seminar 12

Shuddhabrata Sengupta
1. Raqs Media Collective, Dreams and Disguises, As Usual.
2. Raqs Media Collective, How to be an artist by nightThe Rest of Now. 4. Raqs Media Collective, X Notes on Practice: Stubborn Structures and Insistent Seepage in a Networked World.
Doreen Mende
1. Heinz Von Foerster, "Ethics and Second-Order Cybernetics" (1991), in:
2. Giorgio Agamben, "Difference and Repetition : on Guy Debord’s Films," in Guy Debord and the Situationist International, trans. Brian Holmes, (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2002) pp 313-319.
3. Jean Genet, "Prisoner of Love", New York Review Books, 1984, pp. 5–6. 4. Guy Debord, "Critique of Separation" (1961)," in Guy Debord. Complete Cinematic Works, ed. Ken Knabb, ( Oakland: AK Press, 2003), pp.29–39. 5. Heinz Von Foerster, "The Need of Perception for the Perception of Needs", in Leonardo Vol. 22, No. 2 (1989), Cambridge: MIT Press, pp. 223-226.
Reading Group 1. Giorgio Agamben, "Notes on Gesture," in Means Without End: Notes on Politics, trans. Vincenzo Binetti and Cesare Casarino, (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2000), pp. 48-59.
2. Giorgio Agamben, "Marginal Notes on Commentaries on the Society of the Spectacle," in Means Without End: Notes on Politics, trans. Vincenzo Binetti and Cesare Casarino, (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2000), pp. 72-88.