Seminar 36 // 15, 16, 17 November 2012 // London

Thursday 15.11
Prokovief Room, Library, Goldsmiths - For those of you who do not know Goldsmiths, we will be in the Prokovief Room on the 2nd floor of the library - if you do not have a student card we will meet a few minutes before 11 at the main entrance of the Library Building.
11.00 - 12.00 Internal Business discussion
12.00 -1.30 Presentation of current research by Jiyoon Moon whose project deals with the possibilty of theatricalised performancs of ideas within contemporary art spaces. Her initial inquiry was driven on by the work of Jacques Ranciere and a series of performative instances in the art and dance world. The presentation will refer to Delueze's text "The Exhausted" which we had looked into at an earlier session and, but has no assigned readings.
1.30 -2.30 lunch break
2.30 -5.00 continuation of Jiyoon's presentation and screening of performance by Adrian Heathfield and Jonathan Burrows. "How to make possible new ways of conceiving and formulating the notion of public/community has recently been an urgent concern in relation to my thesis project. I have been thinking about the ways in which contemporary choreographic practices engage with different modes of production (which can be discussed in terms of a post-Fordist mode of production) and how these introduce different notions of public/community (from a society of spectacle to a society of performance)
5.00-7.00 Visual Cultures Public Forum (by chance this fits in perfectly with our emphasis on theories and discourses of 'Justice')
Doing Justice to Pictures
Judge Ruth Herz
Throughout his career from 1930 to 1970 the French Judge Cavellat sketched the courtroom scenes unfolding before him. Herz, a judge herself, explores these images which she believes not only show the judge’s thoughts strongly shaped by his education and training. The intimate impressions also reveal the troubled relationship between the judge’s legal education and habitus and the personal feelings and fantasies while going about his profession. The latter, Herz will argue, lay bare his personality, background, class and gender.
Ruth Herz has an exemplary career that spans the judiciary, Youth Justice, policy and practical initiatives focusing on alternative dispute resolution and law and popular culture. From 1974 to 2006 she was a judge of the District Court of Cologne working in the Youth Court. Coming from a family of jurists, who were persecuted during the Nazi period, she has been the first and only Jewish member of the bench in Germany since the Second World War. During her period in office she represented the German judiciary in various national and international policy making forums. She has published major studies of the German Juvenile Justice system.
Friday 16.11
11.00 - 1.30 Prokovief Room, Library, Goldsmiths
Presentation by Stewart Motha ,Reader in Law, Director of Postgraduate Research & Intensive LLM Programmes
School of Law | Birkbeck | University of London.
Stewart Motha will discuss theories of law and justice drawing on critical and deconstructive theory. Based on his work on memory, trauma and postcolonial.sovereignty in places like South Africa, Australia and Sri Lanka, he will also address the question of the political through visual and textual counter-archives of the political and legal in a variety of constitutional contexts.
He has asked that we look at several texts but as these are quite long, has proposed the following selections from the texts: Derrida "Force of Law" pp. 230-244, Lacoue-Labarthe and Nancy - read Ch. 7. The Lacoue-Labarthe and Nancy - read Ch. 7. The Constable is a long piece - I suggest people read the Introduction, and then skim Part I. The text by Marianne Constable "Genealogy of Jurisprudence" is a long piece - I suggest people read the Introduction, and then skim Part I.
1.30-2.30 lunch break
2.30-5.00 continuation of seminar discussion with Stewart Motha.
Dinner together. We will figure out venue on Thursday.
Saturday 17.11
Venue: Raven Row, 56 Artillery Lane, London E1 7LS0 – closest tube station is Liverpool Street and closest exit is Bishopsgate East
Click here for map
12.00 – 5.30
Reading Group session, moderated by Leire Vergara and Jiyoon Moon who will guide us through two texts by Jean-Luc Nancy on the concepts of “touching” and “sense”. (This session is also a follow-up to Leire Vergara’s presentation, in October 2012, of her own research on postcolonial issues in Spain.)
Jacques Derrida, “Force of Law”
Jean-Luc Nancy, “Sense and Truth”